Converting a file to 3.0 browser compatible

To make a file that you created using 4.0 browser features such as layers and CSS styles viewable by visitors with 3.0 browsers, use the Convert to 3.0 Browser Compatible feature.

Convert to 3.0 Browser Compatible creates a separate file that replaces all layers with a single table that preserves the original positioning. CSS markup is replaced, where possible, with HTML character styles. Any CSS markup that cannot be converted to HTML is removed. See CSS to HTML markup conversion table for information on which styles are converted and which are removed.

Any timeline code that animates layers is removed in the 3.0 compatible file. Timeline code that is unrelated to layers (for example, behaviors or changes to the image source) is preserved in the 3.0 compatible file and will execute over time as designed. The timeline is automatically rewound to frame 1 when you Convert to 3.0 Browser Compatible.

To convert a file to 3.0 browser compatible:

1 Choose File > Convert > 3.0 Browser Compatible.
2 In the dialog box that appears, choose to convert layers to tables, CSS styles to HTML markup (character styles), or both.
The default setting is both.
3 Click Continue.
Dreamweaver opens the converted file in a new, untitled window.

Note: . You must perform this Convert to 3.0 Browser Compatible procedure each time you change the original file to update the 3.0 compatible file. For this reason, we recommend that you do this procedure only after you are completely satisfied with your original file.